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Quality Control
We test all battery products for safety and effectiveness. Products are released only after thorough analysis following stringent specifications, methods, and procedures that comply with international guidelines.
The QC department performs the following activities:
1.Raw Material (RM) and Packaging Material (PM) analysis.
2.Finished products analysis.
3.In-process checks.
The focus of quality assurance is to streamline a manufacturing operation so that finished battery products are more likely to meet the company’s quality norm.

Quality Assurance
Our quality assurance team crosschecks our production processes for compliance with written procedures, and interfaces closely with our buyers to satisfy that we meet or exceed their quality requirements and product specifications. QA also observes our assembly procedures to ensure the accuracy and precision of our product. Finished products are not released until QA completes the final inspection in following with protocols.
Vantom guarantees that products manufactured by us will pass any independent lab analysis. That’s our commitment to our customers.
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